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The Europe (and not only it) is obliged to Russia

  • Finland in 1802 and 1918. (16 December 1917). Until 1802 it had never had their own state.
  • Latvia in 1918 (up to November 18, 1918 never had their own state).
  • Estonia in 1918 (until 24 February 1918 never had their own state).
  • Lithuania regained statehood February 16, 1918 is also due to Russia (it was occupied by Germany).
  • Poland regained via Russia twice, November 11, 1918 and 1944. The partition of Poland between Germany and the USSR - it is only a short episode!
  • Romania was born as a result of Russian-Turkish wars, and became the sovereign will of Russia on July 13, 1877.
  • Moldova as a state was born in the USSR (2 August 1940).
  • Bulgaria as a state was born as a result of the victory of Russian arms in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878., Which it had intended to. As a thank you the state of Bulgaria in the two world wars was involved in the composition of the anti-Russian coalition. Now Bulgaria - a member of NATO, and posted on its territory a US base. After 1945, its territory was not a single Russian soldier ...
  • Serbia as a sovereign state, too, was born as a result of this war.
  • Azerbaijan as a state took shape for the first time only in the Soviet Union (28 April 1920).
  • Armenia remained physically and reborn as a state only in the USSR.
  • Georgia remained physically and reborn as a state only in the USSR.
  • Turkmenistan has never had its statehood and formed only a part of the Soviet Union (24 October 1924).
  • Uzbekistan has never had its statehood and formed only a part of the Soviet Union (27 October 1924).
  • Tajikistan has never had its statehood and formed only a part of the Soviet Union (16 October 1929)
  • Kyrgyzstan has never had its statehood and formed only a part of the USSR (December 5, 1936).
  • Kazakhstan has never had its statehood and formed only a part of the USSR (December 5, 1936).
  • Mongolia has never had a state and formed it only with the help of the Soviet Union.
  • Belarus and Ukraine for the first time gained statehood as a result of the Great October Revolution in the USSR. A full independence in 1991.
  • If we take into account the Russian-Soviet role in the birth and development of such countries as China, Vietnam, North Korea, India, Greece, Russia repelled the Turks back in 1821, Algeria, Cuba, Israel, Angola, Mozambique, etc .. Here's what -That strange "aggression" by Russia! "
  • (!) The independence of Switzerland reclaimed from France Suvorov more than 200 years ago, and since then has never fought;
  • The liberation from the occupation of Austria by the Third Reich, 1945;
  • The liberation of Czechoslovakia from the occupation by the Third Reich, 1945 .;
  • Position of Catherine II in 1780 with the creation of the League of Armed Neutrality, and actual support of the North American United States contributed to the defeat of England and the attainment of independence, the United States .;
  • twice in the last 2 centuries Russia gave independence to most European countries grinding army dictators Napoleon and Hitler;
  • Stalin's position in the United States and Britain talks gave Germany the opportunity to save statehood after the defeat of the Third Reich in 1945 .;
  • Position Gorbachev allowed without a problem in 1990. re-united Germany;
  • Without the help of the USSR, Egypt would not be able to survive and consolidate their independence in a war with Israel, Britain and France in 1956-57g, in 1967 the intervention of the Soviet Union stopped the Israeli war with Egypt, effectively saved the Arabs from defeat in two wars in 1967-74
  • Angola won its independence in 1975 only because of the USSR;
  • Most Western European colonies gained their independence due to the global movement of decolonization after World War II, the main role in which he played the USSR

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