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Energy bluff

I am very funny to watch optimistic statements that oil and gas will soon become unneeded. Ostensibly, the coming age of electric vehicles.
But try to answer one question for me: How do you plan to take electricity to recharge the batteries of electric cars? Import from Mars? Hardly. Electricity will be generated on Earth. And this will burn the same gas, coal and oil. But when you consider the losses in transmission lines, it is necessary to burn even more. Yes, in the cities and along motorways air will be cleaner. But it is not all over the world. Besides, we should not forget that the chemical industry is actively using oil and gas as a raw material.
And I want to add.
In 2014, John McCain said that Russia - a gas station, which pretends to be a country. Let us leave aside the discussion of McCain's mental health, which has long been in doubt. Let's talk about more interesting things.
And that's what is interesting ... The US itself is now trying hard to become a gas station. Do not you think it strange? In December 2015 the United States lifted a ban on the export of oil, which operated for 40 years. The US is trying to sell all its gas. It is clear that this gas is more expensive because the US sell liquefied natural gas. But again this is not the most interesting.
US shale gas sold. Shale gas is ill-suited for the chemical industry. But shale gas has even less energy value! That's about the fact that many people simply forget.
For comparison, the specific heat of combustion:
Natural gas - 33500 kJ / kg
Shale gas - 14500 kJ / kg
What follows from this? What is shale gas must be burned in almost two and a half times as much to heat the same amount to the same temperature.

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