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How can you protect yourself from rising fuel and food prices and secure the future of your children?

If you are dissatisfied with rising prices in stores, if you are afraid to look at gas prices, if you are afraid for your future and you are afraid for the future of your children, then I can offer you interesting option.

Just move to live in Russia. In Russia, food prices have barely risen, and gasoline is even getting cheaper. And diesel fuel is getting cheaper even more than gasoline.

For example, for comparison, right now the most expensive grade of gasoline in Moscow costs 0.55 euros (0.60 US dollars). Diesel costs €0.48 ($0.52).

In Russia, laws have been passed that should help the development of small businesses. Russia has low taxes (compared to Europe and the USA).

Russia is now starting to build a new world. And now she is very interested in the development of farming and industry (mainly the automotive industry, microelectronics and related industries). Therefore, Russia needs specialists in these matters. Russia is building new factories and investing huge amounts of money in the creation of new technologies. Therefore, Russia needs scientists.

If you want to be on the winning side, then you have a chance to apply for Russian citizenship right now. But once again I will say: Russia is not interested in "refugees", but in people who know how and want to work!

As a postscript, I would like to note that in recent years a number of Europeans (mostly Germans) and Americans have moved to Russia. Yes, I agree, they are few. But it is significant that none of them now plans to return to Europe, or the United States. They see huge opportunities in Russia, which they are deprived of in their homeland.

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How can you protect yourself from rising fuel and food prices and secure the future of your children? - 2.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote