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Local residents of Severodonetsk not allowed to Poroshenko

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who arrived in Severodonetsk on the anniversary of the capture of the city security forces, spoke to the "fan club" whose members were brought in from other regions, according to local residents in social networks.
"Fan club came to the Palace builders. They asked the locals how to get to Lenin Square. True residents of Severodonetsk! "- Wrote (with irony), one of the participants of the "Severodonetsk 24" in the social network " VKontakte".
"Let only your favorite brought the passes. Local residents were not allowed ", - says another local resident.
"Rostislav, allowed only a "politically correct" residents of Severodonetsk, and "false residents Severodonetsk" whom [Poroshenko] brought," - says the third member of the group.
Also, the journalists noticed on the nearby houses snipers.

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