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Such attacks are different: they wrote the Western media about the terrorist acts that have taken place in Russia, and the terrorist attacks that occurred in Europe

I blame Europe and America in lies and hypocrisy! And I want to remind them, they lied! I also advise you to remember America, they financed the Chechen terrorists in Russia. And remember one historical fact: both the war in Chechnya began not Putin and Yeltsin (who was very fond of the West), but Putin has stopped the war and returned Chechnya to Russia.

On the night of November 14, 2015 a series of terrorist attacks, which killed at least 129 people was completed in Paris. Politicians and community leaders unanimously condemned the attacks jihadists in the heart of France. From the pages of Western publications hears appeals immediately punish international terrorists, wherever they may be, for the sake of the free world values. Such unanimity was not always inherent in the European and American media who covered the rather ambiguous similar tragedy in Russia. Website Ruposters remembered that wrote the Western media in the wake of the terrorist attacks that shook Europe and Russia.

Beslan (Russia) (2004)

Beslan (2004)

The Christian Science Monitor: "More dangerous than seeing a flourishing democracy where it doesn't exist is Putin's illusion that Russia is under attack by international terrorists. In his speech after the massacre, Putin didn't mention Chechnya a single time, even though it was clear that the trail from Beslan led back to the war-torn republic."

Le Figaro: "L'échec de Poutine Dans un pays normal, l'allocution de Vladimir Poutine après le drame de l'école de Beslan serait interprétée comme un aveu d'impuissance, émis par un homme bien en..."

The Weekly Standard: "The sad reality is that 15 years after the fall of the Soviet Union, the role of the individual in Russia has not changed. He is seen as a means to an end, not an end in himself. This is why the lives of the children of Beslan were written off the moment the school was seized, a fact to keep in mind lest we agree to give Russia carte blanche in its own "neighborhood" or look again into Putin's eyes and see something we think resembles a soul."

The Independent: "But the painful truth is that unless Russia ceases to brutalise Chechnya, that infected wound on the body of the Russian Federation, the terrorist attacks will surely continue. This will mean more pain for the people of Chechnya and Russia alike. President Putin spoke of his desire to strengthen the unity of the country in the wake of this atrocity. The only way to achieve this goal is to work towards a political solution to the problem of Chechnya. The Russian President and his government of hardliners must understand that in the wake of disaster what people demand, more than anything else, is true leadership."

Trains in Madrid (Europe) (2004)

Trains in Madrid (2004)

The Guardian: "Blair is right to warn us that we are all threatened by an Islamist terrorism which predates the Iraq war, which would target us even if we were not in Iraq, and which will be encouraged by the promised Spanish retreat from Iraq. And al-Qaida associates will chalk that up as a triumph for their attack on Madrid."

Christian Science Monitor: "Jihad in Europe can prompt a reexamination of the Christian-Muslim relationship for the defined purpose of public safety. Or, preferably, it can move the Continent further down the road to a redefinition of its identity."

The Observer: "It is not easy to persuade people of all this; to say that terrorism and unstable states with WMD are just two sides of the same coin; to tell people what they don't want to hear; that, in a world in which we in the West enjoy all the pleasures, profound and trivial, of modern existence, we are in grave danger.

There is a battle we have to fight, a struggle we have to win and it is happening now in Iraq."

Los Angeles Times: "Bin Laden says on the new tape that "this war brings billions of dollars in profit to the major companies ... such as the Halliburton company." He rails against the "Zionist lobby," the "White House gang," and those "who are steering the world policy from behind a curtain." These are expressions more commonly found in the rhetoric of the far left."

Subway in Moscow (Russia) (2010)

Metro in Moscow (2010)

Die Zeit: "Der notwendige Diskurs über Tschetschenien verstummt zwischen politischen Kraftsprüchen und vorabendlichen Fernsehserien, die das kaukasische Soldatenleben im patriotischen Landsergenre als Vaterlandsdienst verharmlosen.Weltweit verkauft der Kreml den Kriegszug unter dem modischen Label des "Kampfes gegen den internationalen Terrorismus" und verdeckt so, dass der Konflikt auf den Unabhängigkeitsdrang der Tschetschenen zurückgeht."

The Guardian: "The attacks on Moscow metro stations appear to be retaliatory – following the deaths of two important figures in the insurgency in recent weeks. If the attacks are attributable to insurgents from the North Caucasus, they mark a dramatic escalation in the dirty war there. Perhaps more tellingly, they highlight the need for the Kremlin to become moreaccountable for the systematic human rights abuses that are commonplace in the region, to address widespread poverty and corruption and recognise how its policies may well have helped to reignite simmering tensions which have, in part, produced a multi-ethnic insurgency with a capability and willingness to strike at civilian targets in the Russian capital."

The Guardian"Our societies face a similar scourge. But we do not face a common enemy."

The Globe And Mail: "The Moscow bombing is a predictable response to a policy towards the North Caucasus which combines reliance on local proxies who are corrupt and incompetent with a security policy focused almost entirely on retaliation, repression and the resort to extra-judicial techniques such as targeted killings, reprisals against the families of terrorists and torture."

The Economist: "That there seems no viable alternative to Mr Putin is a shame, for his policies in dealing with the breakaway republic have been as disastrous as those of his predecessor. Unless things change drastically, Chechnya is set to continue as now: a corrupt, unstable mess of competing armed bands, fighting over the region's spoils. Meanwhile, Russians in the capital and elsewhere are having to get used to the constant threat of terrorism on their doorstep."

Buses in London (Europe) (2005)


The Financial Times: "In the last resort, however, the only possible response is defiance. The enemies of freedom have always underestimated their adversaries. They must be proved to have done so once again. The values that animate London are the only ones on which humanity can build a shared existence. They are the values of freedom and diversity. The jihadi fanatics must be made to understand that they will never destroy them."

Los Angeles Times: "And, yes, working toward the modernization, liberalization and eventual democratization of the wider Middle East is the only certain, long-term way to drain the swamp in which terrorist mosquitoes breed. Here, it is Europe rather than the United States that needs to wake up, urgently, to the imperative of doing more."

Domodedovo Airport (Russia) (2011)

Domodedovo Airport (2011)

El Periodico: "El problema del Cáucaso, bisagra natural entre Europa y Asia, se arrastra desde el siglo XIX. El maestro Tolstói, que hizo campaña militar en la región, conoció a fondo a los chechenos y comparó su espíritu irredento con la reciedumbre del cardo en el relato Hadjí Murat: «Se veía que la planta había sido aplastada por una rueda; pero había vuelto a erguirse y seguía viva». La violencia solo genera más violencia."

The Washington Post: "One is that the country's security services, unlike their counterparts in Europe and North America, have failed to develop the means to uncover terrorist networks, prevent attacks or protect public spaces such as airports and subway systems. No country's police can guarantee security. But in Russia over the past decade, as Vladimir Putin has cited the threat of terrorism in consolidating a domestic police state, Moscow alone has suffered eight major attacks, along with the destruction of two airplanes that took off from Domodedovo. Casualties have been heavy: At least 35 died and more than 200 were injured in the latest strike."

Time: "The terrorist attack at the Moscow airport on Jan. 24 was horrific, murdering dozens of innocent civilians. It is probably linked to Chechnya or the surrounding areas in the Caucasus, from which so many such attacks have emanated. Russia has been the site of the largest number of serious terrorist attacks over the past decade (excluding Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, which are really war zones). Why? The answer to this question sheds a sorry light on Russia's counterterrorism strategy. In fact it is a case study in how not to fight Islamic terrorism."

"Outside the Af-Pak region and Iraq, Islamic terrorism has not been able to strike with great force in recent years. Except in Russia. In fact, one could argue that the Russian government, far more than Osama bin Laden, has managed through its actions over the past two decades to create the largest and most active new center of Islamic terrorism in the world today."

"Charly Hebdo" (Europe) (2015)

"Charly Hebdo" (2015)

El Pais: "Hasta ahora mataban personas, destruían instituciones, pero el asesinato de casi toda la redacción de Charlie Hebdosignifica todavía algo más grave: querer que la cultura occidental, cuna de la libertad, de la democracia, de los derechos humanos, renuncie a ejercitar esos valores, que empiece a ejercitar la censura, poner límites a la libertad de expresión, establecer temas prohibidos, es decir, renunciar a uno de los principios más fundamentales de la cultura de la libertad: el derecho de crítica."

The Financial Times: "There was a bloody attempt on Wednesday to wipe the smile from our faces. But though the self-righteous have killed the satirists they will never annihilate satire itself. Just the opposite. From now on, Charlie Hebdo will be the rallying point for all those who cherish life and laughter over the death-cult of sanctimonious gloom. So we owe it to the fallen to remind ourselves amid the blood, grief and rage, that just because the unhinged perpetrators are murderers does not mean they are also not clowns."

The Independent: "Whatever happens, one thing is above all else is worth repeating. Responsibility for any violence meted out against Charlie Hebdo or its staff rests solely on the shoulders of those carrying out the violence. If there is a violent reaction against the French satirical magazine, whether you agree with what they have published or not, they will not deserve it."

Volgograd (Russia) (2013)

Volgograd (Russia) (2013)

The Independent: "In a sense, Russia is paying a delayed price for those colonial 19th-century wars – in which Tolstoy took part and wrote about – which have saddled Russia with lands that it can neither absorb nor relinquish. Regrettably, violence looks set to continue, even if not in Sochi."

Berliner Zeitung: "So zynisch es klingen mag: Der Bombenanschlag in Wolgograd spielt Wladimir Putin in die Hände. Der Kremlchef kann nun die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen vor und während der Olympischen Spiele in Sotschi mit Verweis auf die Terrorgefahr noch stärker ausweiten. Westliche Regierungen werden ihm kaum glaubhaft Missbrauch vorwerfen können – insbesondere angesichts des fortgesetzten Anti-Terror-Krieges der USA mit all seinen inakzeptablen Begleiterscheinungen. Die Stichworte lauten NSA und Guantanamo."

The Guardian: "A high price has already been paid for his [Putin] and his predecessor Boris Yeltsin's mistakes in the region. Let us hope it does not rise even higher at Sochi."

Paris (Europe) (2015)

Paris (2015)

Foreign Policy: "Like Paris, Moscow too has known terror, slicing sharply, unexpectedly through its cosmopolitan evenings. It was hard, watching the attacks in Paris unfold, for Moscow reporting veterans not to think of the parallels with the Dubrovka Theater crisis, 13 years prior, in part because like the siege of Paris’s Bataclan concert hall on Friday night, the siege of the Dubrovka Theater too ended with mass casualties."

Rzeczpospolita: "Jesteśmy więc, przyjaciele, z wami. I nigdy was nie opuścimy. Mamy świadomość, że w waszym domu zagościli barbarzyńcy. Wiele zrobimy, by ich wygnać, ale domagamy się, byście wreszcie zaczęli się bronić skutecznie. Trzeba odrzucić niebezpieczne iluzje i milion skrupułów. Stawką jest bezpieczeństwo waszej demokracji, a naszej Europy."

The Washington Post: "None of these anti-Islam activities justifies the horrors that the Islamic State has committed, nor have they caused those atrocities; Europe could be as welcoming as any could wish, and still the Islamic State would send fighters and recruit disaffected locals. But backlashes against Muslims who have no part in the Islamic State’s ideologies or actions make the situation much worse. Europe must avoid the trap that the Islamic State is setting by focusing its responses to the Paris attacks and other outrages against the perpetrators and their supporters."

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